Made For AdSense

Made For AdSense

Essentially, Google is what is known as a scraper site. It uses Web
scraping, that is, it makes the use of Web crawlers to index content
in the form of search results. Now this is a fair and legal use of
other people’s content, that is, for the purpose of indexing.
However, some scraper sites make use of the “scraped” content
and plagiaries it for their own use. How do they use this content?
Essentially, an illegal scraper site is created for monetising content
from AdSense. Such a site is in the parlance called an MFA or a
Made For AdSense site. Scrapers take content from sites that
have highly-searched keywords and use them to generate
high-revenue clicks from unknowing users who click on these
sites thinking them to be some other, legitimate sites. For
example, the site is a shopping site that claims
to offer great prices on a host of products. But the links displayed
are almost all AdSense ads. So anything you click is an AdSense
click for the webmaster of Everyrule, who is making money off
these clicks.
Visit for a whole bunch of blacklisted MFA sites.

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